Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Solar Eclipse is My Last Letter For Mr. Sun

Hi, did you see solar eclipse sweeping cross around your hometown?
You must be there with her right?
Did you remember something?
            It was a super rare moment for the moon and the sun met. Like us. Our brief story, which is rare and beauty. I never thought before, we met, knew well each other, shared laughs, mad, sad, or silly stuffs together, until I know what is that love people used to say.
No one ever touch my heart like you did to me. You never said anything about falling in love with me, sometimes it made doubt, sorry. But how did you treat me is more than love that you have to say.

Hi Dawne, we meet again at the campus corridor. But you still were pretending not to see me around you Dawne.

            Did it very hurt for you Dawne? But the truth, I do feel the same way, Dawn.. But you could not understand..
            What did you think every time you walked this corridor away, Dawn? Did you think the same? No, I guess you didn't. But I always think about the first time you called my name from the corner of the students room, and I walked closer to you, then you gave me your relative's wedding souvenir, you said that I must be need that thing someday. What a funny of you Dawn, but I was happy to keep it, and it was the very first time you show me that very sweet and kind smile.
Do you remember that?
            I was missing you Dawne, like the dawn never being there every morning... I miss the time you called me phone in the dawn to wake me up, then I said yes I already woke up, then you turned your phone off, 10 minutes later you called me again convinced me to get up and to prepare for the morning life. Dawne, if only you know that I always pretend to snooze so you must be call me back later and I could hear your smooth whisper which makes me tickled and smile every time you did that. I love the way you love me was Dawn...

And I hate to be like this, now.

            Long time no chat with you, Dawne. I wish you very good day every day. You still did not want to talk to me Dawn, even just were rolling your eyes to me but you didn't do it ever again.
            You know, I miss you...
            I know it was very deep painful after what I've done to you, to choose him as my boyfriend than you, Dawn. I didn't know why did I say yes for his relationship question. Now I know it's just my ambition to be with a boy who has been admired by me for a year. But my deepest heart is still yours, Dawn.
            I know we never make a sweet first impression like those fairy tales used to share. But, I do miss that moment so much..
            When I thought you were a boring-careless-bad-boy, who always ignore my smiling face and humble greetings from me every time we met, how shit were you Dawne!
            I remembered it well, the day you talked to me at the first time by your swagger intonation of speaking. I do really hate you at that time. I didn't know how it start to be love actually Dawn, but you had stole my whole heart, and I don't know how to find a new one for me, Dawn.
            I wish you still keep it on somewhere else and you will return home with that, or you just give me that thing and home away to her, yes, her...

You have already been her, and
I should have not missed you, Dawne. That's my fault.

Good day, Dawne.

Hey, Dawne…
            Did you know when we were eating the triple portion of delicious meatballs just two of us? at that very fun evening I ever felt, with your unique way to eat that meatballs and I felt home, we did not ever care what would they think of us, I just want you to know, I was very happy at that time, thanks.
            Did you remember when you gave me a very tiny bouquet of Edelweis flower the night you arrived at the campus and we had our coffee together? I was very happy to know you home safely, the 10-days without you here was very boring days I've ever lived. I also got mad because you've broken your promises not to pick everything from the mountain, but thanks from that I know that I really mean something for you. But you've promised me not to pick them anymore, never.
            I was a little bit worry when you asked me to kidnap myself somewhere. We bought some milks and yogurts and you took me up to the top of the hill, the beauty-comfy place I've ever been. I could see the panorama of Bandung and Lembang. I closed my eyes and breathe, and you were just smiling at me I know that you did at that time. We had our milks and yogurt, you always know what I wanted and what I need. And you played the Melati Suci's Song from your phone. You said that you started to like me at that time, and then you just forgot what you've said by talking about other things, but I really want you to ask me, so I would say, I feel the same way you know, but you never asked me.
            There are so much things that we left behind. I do remember every single moment because no one ever been like that before.
            You said, "I will not wait you at the summit, but I will beside you since your first step made." You know what? That words become familiar yet mainstream in nowadays, hahaha I am happy to be the very first to hear that words from you before.
            You said, "You always know my unspoken passions, although I not seem to care." Yeah, you did the same way like I did to you, but the fact we're not home yet, or we never know what is His plan for us.
            You said that, "I am grateful to meet you, to know you, to love you.. Whatever the ends be.."
But you never asked me. Why.. So, I just want you to know.. I love you Mr. Sun, no one could accept me like you did, no one would ever been interest, admire, and waiting for my written works and my letter, no one could bring me home like you did to me..
            I know it was my fault, to leave you to get closer with him, and I just realized it was just my ambition to get what I wanted for a year but, everyday every night changes but in my deepest heart I always think about you, I did not mean to hurt you, but you hurt so much, I'm sorry for everything. Until you decide to be stranger. And it is really hurt, I wish we could be very best friends but you can't, even you just read my Line message without reply it, a thousand sorry will never ever been healed your pain Dawne, maybe I just should leave you and let you go.
            Those years told me to forgive myself and to forgive you…
            I'm so lonely, no one can understand me now. Maybe it is because I always keep myself alone and always compare them with you. I know it's wrong. And people are different, you always be the best for me, but in other side there must be someone or others who will be the best in their own ways.

            Like the solar eclipse which has very brief moment to share with others. Like our brief story which hopefully can inspiring others. Very brief, close, warm, and beauty. We always together, in our side, shining and brighting.

            I wish you very happy with her every day. This is will be my last letter for you. This solar eclipse moment will be the sign of our story end. Thank you so much for being the best and meaningful for me and for makes me being meaningful and the best for you too.

With love, your little moon.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Ayah, Bunda, Pakai Kiddle Aja

               Kita tahu bahwa kemajuan teknologi itu bisa menjadi sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang bisa mengoptimalkan teknologi itu sendiri dalam kehidupannya. Mengoptimalkan tersebut tentunya dengan mengenal seperti apa teknologi yang kita gunakan.
               Dengan mengetaui seperti apa teknologi yang kita gunakan, mulai dari fungsinya, cara kerjanya, sampai pada pemeliharaannya. Setelah kita tahu bagaimana fungsi dan cara kerjanya, tentu akan mempermudah kita dalam memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut sesuai dengan yang kita perlukan. Pengoptimalan tersebut membutuhkan perawatan, perawatan di sini baik secara teknis ataupun beruoa pengawasan. Pengawasan tersebut seperti bagaimaga penggunaan teknologi tersebut, pemeliharaannya, termasuk si subjeknya sendiri.
               Nah, subjek yang kita bahas adalah anak-anak. Sekarang ini sudah marak kejahatan yang terjadi pada anak-anak, kejahatan secara fisik maupun secara psikisnya. Selain itu, penyalahgunaan teknologi, dan kurangnya pengawasan dari kita para orang tua juga telah banyak terjadi, dan memberikan dampak yang kurang baik terhadap anak.
               Kita semua tahu, saat ini peranan teknologi sangat berpengaruh dalam perkembangan pengetahuan anak. Salah satunya dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi tersebut terhadap anak-anak kita. Selain teknologi yang umumnya dapat mereka pelajari secara langsung yang biasa direalisasikan dengan kunjungan study tour: seperti teknologi dalam bertani, pabrik-pabrik makanan, kebun-kebun, dan lain-lain. Salah satunya yang perlu kita waspadai adalah teknologi seperti penggunaan gadget.

               Sebuah gadget tentu tidak lepas dari Internet. Kita tahu internet sangat bermanfaat bagi anak-anak, karena menyediakan segudang informasi, baik dalam bentuk tulisan, gambar, audio, maupun video. Internet dapat merangsang rasa ingin tahu seorang anak, untuk itu dapat sangat membantu anak-anak kita untuk memperluas pengetahuannya.
               Tapi Bunda, pengawasan kita terhadap anak itu sangat penting dalam penggunaan internet tersebut. Selain kita harus lebih tahu mengenai cara kerja dan fungsi internet tersebut untuk memperkenalkannya kepada anak-anak kita, kita juga harus ikut memantau penggunaannya, secara tidak langsungnya dengan seperti ikut tertarik terhadap apa yang mereka pelajari, mau berbagi, dan belajar bersama mereka, maka dengan kepercayaan tersebut nilai plusnya bisa menambah kepercayaan diri si anak dalam memperluas wawasannya.
               Nah, kali ini “Google” memberikan perhatian dan kepeduliannya terhadap anak-anak dengan membuat inovasi seperti “Kiddle” (http://www.kiddle.co/). Kiddle adalah salah satu anak dari Google, yaitu mesin pencarian yang diperuntukan bagi anak-anak kita. Kiddle akan membantu kita para orang tua dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaan internet terhadap anak-anak kita. Banyak sekali fitur-fitur yang menyenangkan yang disediakan, informasi baik mengenai pengetahuan ilmiah, sejarah, games-games, bahkan dalam bentuk streaming video untuk anak-anak, tampilannya pun sangat unik dan menarik. Selain itu, Kiddle memberikan kenyamanan untuk anak-anak karena bebas dari spam maupun iklan pornografi yang biasa muncul dalam pencarian goole. Terlebih lagi, kita tahu kadang seusia anak-anak belum dapat begitu memahami bahasa yang digunakan oleh orang dewasa, sehingga informasi yang diterima menjadi kurang tepat. Namun, dengan Kiddle ini, bahasa yang disampaikan sangat sesuai dan ramah untuk anak-anak, sehingga anak kita dapat dengan mudah menerima informasi-informasi yang mereka peroleh dari pencarian di internet tersebut.
               Untuk itu, bagi para Bunda dan Ayah, bisa menjadikan Kiddle ini sebagai homepage pada gadgen anak-anak kita.

Have a fabulous day!